The getlino configure command

getlino configure

Configures your machine as a Lino server. This is required before you can run getlino startsite.

If you run getlino configure as root (using sudo), it will potentially also install system packages and create or overwrite system-wide configuration files. Otherwise it will install Lino into a virtualenv. If you want Lino to install into an existing virtualenv, you should activate it before running getlino configure in order to use it as your --shared-env.

getlino configure (unless invoked with –batch) asks a lot of questions, one question for each server configuration option. Read the docs below for more explanations. You can answer ENTER to each question if you don’t care.

getlino configure creates or reads and updates a configuration file where it stores your answers. Depending on whether you are root, the configuration file will be either /etc/getlino/getlino.conf or ~/.getlino.conf.

If you specify --batch, every option gets its default value, which you may override by specifying command-line arguments. Use this option only when you know what you want (e.g. in a Dockerfile).

After running getlino configure as root, you may want to run it once more without being root, because only then it will also write a .bash_aliases file in your home directory.

Run-time behaviour options:


Specify a value for web_server.


Run in batch mode, i.e. without asking any questions. Assume yes to all questions.

Server configuration options


Full path to a shared virtualenv to be used by all new sites.

If this is empty, every new site will get its own virgin environment.

When not running as root, the default value is taken from the VIRTUAL_ENV environment value (all your sites will use a same environment).

When configure is running as root, the default value is an empty string (you usually don’t want a shared virtualenv on a production site). Except when --clone is also given. In this case getlino stores the current VIRTUAL_ENV environment value as default value (or raises an error when no virtualenv is activated).


An optional base directory for all code repositories on this server. If this is given, getlino will use this for getlino configure --clone or getlino startsite --dev-repos.

If this is empty, repositories will be stored in a directory named --repos-link below the virtualenv dir.


Clone all known repositories to your --repos-base and install them into your --shared-env. Used when configuring a developer environment or a demo server.


(Has been removed 20230228) The git branch to use for --clone.


Whether to install development tools (used to build docs and run tests).


The root directory for Lino’s log files on this server. Each new site will get its entry below that directory.


The root directory for backups on this server. Each new site will get its entry below that directory. Used e.g. by


The root directory for sites on this server.

New sites will get created below that directory (with another level named by --local-prefix).

This will be added to the PYTHONPATH of every Lino process (namely in and

The PYTHONPATH is needed because the of a site says from lino_local.settings import *, and the sets DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to 'lino_local.mysite1.settings'.


Prefix for local server-wide importable packages.


Specify a value for usergroup.

Relative directory or symbolic link to the virtualenv.

Relative directory or symbolic link to repositories.


Fully qualified domain name of this server. Default is ‘localhost’.

Default settings for new sites


Which front end (default_ui) to use on new sites.


Default value for languages of new sites.


Whether new sites should have a script which runs the linod command.

When running as root, this will also add a supervisor configuration file which runs the linod command automatically.


Default value is ‘mysql’ when running as root or ‘sqlite3’ otherwise.


A shared database username to use for all sites on this server.

If this is set, you must also set --db-password.

Used during development and testing when you prefer to have a single database user for all databases. For security reasons these options should not be used on a production server.


The password for the --db-user.


The port to use for connecting to the database server when --db-engine is mysql or postgresql.

Server features


Whether this server provides LibreOffice service needed by sites that use lino_xl.lib.appypod.


Whether this server provides redis service needed by sites that use lino.modlib.notify.


Whether to install system packages needed by lino.modlib.weasyprint.


Whether this server provides secure http.

This option will cause getlino to install certbot.

When you use this option, you must have your domain name (--server-domain) registered so that it points to the server. If your server has a dynamic IP address, you may use some dynamic DNS service like FreedomBox or


Whether new sites should have webdav.


Whether this server provides an LDAP service. Not tested.

Tested section

>>> from atelier.sheller import Sheller
>>> shell = Sheller()
>>> shell("getlino configure --help")
Usage: getlino configure [OPTIONS]

  Configure this machine to become a Lino production server.

  --batch / --no-batch            Whether to run in batch mode, i.e. without
                                  asking any questions.  Don't use this on a
                                  machine that is already being used.
  --sites-base TEXT               Base directory for Lino sites on this server
  --local-prefix TEXT             Prefix for local server-wide importable
  --shared-env TEXT               Root directory of your shared virtualenv
  --repos-base TEXT               Base directory for shared code repositories
  --clone / --no-clone            Clone all contributor repositories and
                                  install them to the shared-env
  --webdav / --no-webdav          Whether to enable webdav on new sites
  --backups-base TEXT             Base directory for backups
  --log-base TEXT                 Base directory for log files
  --usergroup TEXT                User group for files to be shared with the
                                  web server
  --supervisor-dir TEXT           Directory for supervisor config files
  --env-link TEXT                 link to virtualenv (relative to project dir)
  --repos-link TEXT               link to code repositories (relative to
  --appy / --no-appy              Whether this server provides appypod and
  --weasyprint / --no-weasyprint  Whether this server provides weasyprint
  --redis / --no-redis            Whether this server provides redis
  --devtools / --no-devtools      Whether to install development tools (build
                                  docs and run tests)
  --server-domain TEXT            Domain name of this server
  --https / --no-https            Whether this server uses secure http
  --ldap / --no-ldap              Whether this server works as an LDAP server
  --monit / --no-monit            Whether this server uses monit
  --web-server [nginx|apache|]    Which web server to use here.
  --db-engine [mysql|postgresql|sqlite3]
                                  Default database engine for new sites.
  --db-port TEXT                  Default database port to use for new sites.
  --db-host TEXT                  Default database host name for new sites.
  --db-user TEXT                  Default database user name for new sites.
                                  Leave empty to use the project name.
  --db-password TEXT              Default database password for new sites.
                                  Leave empty to generate a secure password.
  --admin-name TEXT               The full name of the server administrator
  --admin-email TEXT              The email address of the server
  --time-zone TEXT                The TIME_ZONE to set on new sites
  --linod / --no-linod            Whether new sites use linod
  --languages TEXT                The languages to set on new sites
  --front-end [lino.modlib.extjs|lino_react.react|lino_openui5.openui5]
                                  The front end to use on new sites
  --help                          Show this message and exit.